4 Quadrants of Time Management – Detailed Guide

4 quadrants of time management

What is the Time Management Matrix? The Time Management Matrix was devised by Stephen Covey, author of ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’. It is a tool that people can use to categorize tasks and activities while learning effective time management. The matrix comprises four quadrants, each with a heading relating to the importance … Read more

How to Use the Pomodoro Technique

how many pomodoros a day

What is it? Francesco Cirillo created the Pomodoro technique while a student in the ’80s. It is essentially a technique to help you manage your time and be more productive. Pomodoro means tomato in Italian. Cirillo had a timer in the shape of a tomato, hence why he named the Pomodoro technique. Of course, it … Read more

Attention: How To Do Homework Fast

Homework is the worst. Whether you’re a grade A student or you struggle to pay attention in class, everyone knows having home assignments is the worst part of academic life. The last thing you want to be doing on a Friday night is writing an essay. You want to have fun, but you can’t go … Read more